Back when I was a teenager, I had reasonable success with women, but it was far from consistent. Many of my behaviors and attitudes were anything but high-status. Having internalized what high-status males do, I have made immeasurable progress in relationships, friendships, and business, I only wish I knew these things earlier!
A lot of things can be associated with the high-status mindset, but I have identified the most important thing a man wanting to improve their success with women must know. That sexuality is completely natural, and they are not scared to express it. The key is how you do it.
Have you seen any movies or television shows about relationships? The constant theme is that most men are idiots with relationships and that they are lucky to find one girl. They go out of their way to repress their sexuality, thinking it will turn a woman off. The key to expressing sexuality is to not be explicit about it. Do not speak about it, and do not grope some random girl who hasn’t given you the right signals. What you must do is use body language to communicate to women that you are a sexual being and you know they are too.
Pop quiz, you are speaking with a woman you just met. She is standing in a position with her chest thrust slightly forward, she is smiling with you, batting her eyelashes, and flicking her hair. Do you think she might be interested? This was an obvious example, but you see the point. She was able to sub-communicate to you that she is interested and all you have to do is be your natural manly self.
But you ask, how does a man sub communicate these things as well? Many ways. Some basic things that are known by most are good posture, calm, and strong speech patterns. There are many books on these things, and I recommend you read them. What I want to talk about here are less obvious things that society, as a whole, does not talk about.
One non-obvious technique that works very well is what some in the seduction community calls, The Triangle Gaze. It is something many women seem to do us all the time. (by the way, MANY body language tactics they use can be used by men too). The triangle gaze is an eye movement technique. Simply move your gaze from her left eye to her right eye and down to her mouth, and pause a millisecond there. Don’t do it over and over, but now and then do it. It is powerful, and she WILL understand what you are trying to get across, and often she will be impressed if you do this in the right way because you will be demonstrating your social intelligence. And fellas, women are much “smarter” in this regard than most of us.
Another subtle technique that can be used to sub-communicate to a woman your intentions without being a cad is the use of double entendres. A double entendre is a word or phrase with more than one meaning, usually two, as the title suggests. It should not be cheesy, raunchy pickup lines, but things said on the fly that can be ambiguous, making it near impossible for her to forget you.
Here is an example of bad use of a double entendre:
You talking to a waitress: “So what time do you get off?”
That is one of the oldest in the book, and at best, she will laugh and say something like, “When I get home to my boyfriend?” At worst, she will instantly write you off as a loser and walk away.
Something better would be charming. It would make her wonder about your intentions and make her want to find out what you want from her. I love speaking with people visiting from far away, exotic lands, or who were not raised here. There is so much material for conversation and rapport building. One thing I love to do when speaking with foreign women is talk about their home country and how sensual and passionate it is. This is a compliment to her in a roundabout way, and she will welcome the topic. She will also have no choice but to ponder the words sensual, passionate(and any other double entendres you throw in) and connect those images and thoughts with YOU! The key is to ramp up the intensity than ramp it down… ramp it up, ramp it down, rinse and repeat. Combine this with confident body language and a genuine interest in learning about her, and you are well on your way to becoming a seduction master!